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Assemblies & Student-Centered Events


The Oaks believes that education is a collaborative effort between teachers, children, and families. This requires open, clear communication between home and school, and a strong sense of community. Learning in the context of a community means individual expression and differences are honored through dialogue, mutual respect, and empathy. Students at The Oaks enjoy the following community-wide events:

All-School Assemblies 

For student assemblies, the entire student body and members of the community assemble in the Chapel for a student presentation. Each grade hosts two or three assemblies throughout the year, sharing what they have learned in class through student-led performances incorporating poetry, singing, dancing, visual arts, film, and/or acting. At the end of each assembly, 6th graders share the Thought for The Week.

The Winter Sing

Held in the Sanctuary on the Friday before Winter Break, the Winter Sing is a celebration of music and community. Each grade performs a song, the lyrics of which often emerge during class collaboration. A special Café Friday follows the performance, which is attended by families, friends, and many Oaks alums.

The Campout

This community-building, all-school event is a time when all the families and students spend a weekend camping at a nearby site. The Campout is a wonderful, relaxed way for families to get to know each other by hiking, sharing a picnic, and singing and telling stories by the campfire.

Friends, Family, & Alum Day

At this event, held on the last day before Spring Break, friends, family, and alums are invited to view student work in Art, Music, and Maker throughout the school. Displays include an art gallery, performance videos, interactive games, and more.